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"Dear Jasmine" wins Videocraft Best Student Film Award at LCA2015

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Lights Canberra Action Congratulations to the Videocraft Best Student Film Award winner at the LightsCanberraAction! 2015 Filmmaking Festival in Canberra won by Julia Faragher credited as producer, writer and director of the short film "Dear Jasmine". LightsCanberraAction! is a filmmaking festival held annually in Canberra. The entrants have 10 days to prepare their film and must include a number of items in their film to qualify. The 2015 festival theme was "Swings and Roundabouts". For more information about the festival please check out their website by clicking here . Here is the Best Student Film "Dear Jasmine" - Congratulations on a great job to Julia and all the "Dear Jasmine" team.