The most recent update for S6, S3, Dock, Artist Series, MC Pro and System 5-MC brings new features and resolves the following issues for each product:
Pro Tools | S6:
- Expand Faders Let you map parameters from plug-ins and other functions to faders on Fader Modules
- Monitor Control Improvements – Listen Back, 16 Sources and Auto Lock
- Saving Full Surface State in Sessions – Console comes back the way you left it
- New Soft Key Commands
- Improved Knob ballistics and response
- Many other features for navigation, panning and connectivity
- Many bug fixes
Artist Series, Pro Tools | S3 and Dock:
- Multiple EUCON Commands in Softkeys Macros
- Improved Knob ballistics and response
- Many bug fixes and stability improvements
MC Pro/System 5-MC:
- Fix Start menu popping up on MCPro
If you have any questions on these software updates and the products it affects, please contact your Avid Partner Account Manager.