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Convergent Design makes an Odyssey of announcements for 7Q+ and 7Q models

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Convergent Design Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q Will Support Canon C300 MKII With 4K60p in both RAW and Apple ProRes, HD120p Support in Apple ProRes CanonC300MKII from NAB Show 2015 Convergent Design announced support for the new Canon C300 mkII camera. The Odyssey7Q+ and the Odyssey7Q with the new Odyssey RAW Bundle, allow recording in 4K & UHD in RAW up to 60p as well as 4K & UHD processed and converted to Apple ProRes up to 60p. 4K "half RAW can also be recorded up to 120p. Without the Odyssey RAW Bundle, the Odyssey monitor/recorders can record 1080p video up to 120p, as well as 12-bit or 10-bit 4:4:4 RGB video in Uncompressed DPX up to 60p. Direct capture of 4K & UHD ProRes is also possible up to 30p. So What’s this RAW bundle?, well Convergent Design has combined All Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q RAW Record Options Into Odyssey RAW Bundle. Convergent Design announced at NAB, all of the five separately available RAW Record Options for the Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q will now be combined into the Odyssey RAW Bundle. While the individual RAW Record Options totalled USD$6775 when purchased individually, the Odyssey RAW Bundle is only USD$995. A daily rental rate of just USD$99 is also available. Cameras covered by the Odyssey RAW Bundle include the ARRI ALEXA, Canon C500 and soon to be released C300 MK2, Sony FS7 and FS700, IO Industries Flare 2KSDI, Indiecam indieGS2K, and upcoming support for the AJA CION and IO Industries Flare 4KSDI. As new RAW cameras are supported by the Odysseymonitor/recorders, they will be added to the Odyssey RAW Bundle. Convergent Design Introduces Dual-Stream Functions on Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q Monitor/Recorders 2e1ax_timeless_entry_dual-stream Convergent Design also announced that it will soon introduce Dual-Stream monitoring and recording functions on Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q monitor/recorders. Dual-Stream monitoring with the option to record a single stream will be included as a free update in our April 2015 firmware release. The two HD video signals can be viewed as a pair of equally sized Side-by-Side images, as overlapping large and small images in a Picture-in-Picture configuration, or the two signals can be switched between full screen. HD video signals up to 1080p60, 1080i60, or 720p60 SDI or HDMI can be accepted. Frame rates and resolution must be matched between the two sources, but genlocking is not required. In a future firmware update, the Dual-Stream Record Option will be made available. This Record Option will allow capture of two HD video inputs of the same resolution and frame rate to a pair of separate Apple ProRes files. Genlocking of the two inputs is not required. The Dual-Stream Record Option is scheduled to be available for purchase for USD$995 or rental for USD$99/day. Later Convergent Design will also offer a Quad-Stream Record Option, which will allow recording of up to four HD video inputs, along with other functions such as Live Switching. Clients who purchase the Dual-Stream Record Option who wish to expand to the Quad-Stream Record Option when available will be able to do so without penalty, only paying the difference in price. Convergent Design Introduces Custom 3D-LUT Display and Routing to the Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q Monitor/Recorders 2e1ax_timeless_frontpage_LUT-girl The upcoming April 2015 free firmware update for the Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q will include fully integrated custom 3D-LUT functionality. 3D-LUTs allow viewing of material with sample color, contrast and exposure corrections, while recording files in RAW or flat Log modes for the greatest range in post adjustment. Clients will be able to generate LUTs using the free version of DaVinci Resolve. By using a free App that will be available on the Convergent Design website, the .CUBE LUTs are converted to a secure binary file, protecting a client’s personal designs. The converted LUTs are loaded into the Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q via Odyssey SSD or Odyssey Utility Drive. A cinematographer can use an Odyssey7Q+ as an operating monitor with LUT applied, while sending a "flat" signal to an engineer over SDI 1 and a LUT-ted image to the director over SDI 2, and a LUT-ed image to the clients over HDMI. A DP could view a scene with the LUT applied while simultaneously viewing a waveform display in the corner showing the source signal. A window may appear blown out with a LUT applied but the source signal that is recorded shows detail in the highlights, so the DP knows that this part of the frame can be "pulled back" in post. Time, money and momentum are conserved on set by not stopping to adjust lighting and exposure. The update is free and the custom 3D-LUT functions will apply to the Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q models. A future firmware update will allow the 3D-LUT to be "burned-in" and recorded onto Apple ProRes files. Odyssey Monitor/Recorders to Support Certain 3rd Party SSDs 2e1ax_timeless_frontpage_samsung-evo Convergent Design today announces that Odyssey monitor/recorders will support the use of two models of Samsung SSDs. The Samsung 850 EVO 500GB and Samsung 850 EVO 1000GB SSDs will be allowed for use in the Odyssey7, Odyssey7Q, and Odyssey7Q+. Features such as fast & consistent read & write speeds, both across the entire memory and across the lifespan of the SSDs, exceptionally long-life usability of the media, built-in power-loss protection, low power draw and robust reliability of construction are the hallmarks of the Odyssey SSD design. Convergent Design’s extensive testing of the two supported Samsung SSDs has found them to share in these qualities. Access to the use of these two Samsung 850 EVO SSDs is expected to be made available with the May 2015 free Odyssey firmware update. Only the Samsung 850 EVO 500GB and EVO 1000GB SSDs, along with the Odyssey 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB SSDs, will function in the Odyssey monitor/recorders. SSDs load and mount into the Odyssey monitor/recorders with a latching handle. Odyssey SSD handles will be made available for purchase through the Convergent Design dealer network. Convergent Design to Expand Odyssey7Q+ and Odyssey7Q Apple ProRes Record Frame Rates to 4K/UHD 60p, 2K/HD 240p 2e1ax_timeless_entry_color-run Apple ProRes 4K/UHD will be possible up to 60p and 2K/HD will be possible up to 240p. The new capabilities will be available for all currently supported Apple ProRes formats, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), Apple ProRes 422, and Apple ProRes 422 (LT). The first input format scheduled to be made available with the higher frame rates are the RAW data signals from the Sony FS7 and FS700 for clients utilizing the Sony FS Record Option on the Odyssey7Q and Odyssey7Q+. This will allow the recording of 4K RAW -> 4K/UHD/2K/HD Apple ProRes up to 60p, 2K RAW -> 2K/HD Apple ProRes up to 240p, and 4K RAW Burst -> 4K/UHD Apple ProRes up to 120p (available on the FS700). The new capabilities will be made available in a free future firmware update to all users who have purchased the FS700 record option. Future support will include Canon C500/C300 MK2 4K RAW, Canon C500/C300 MK2 HD video (up to 120fps), Sony F5/F55 4K/UHD video, and others. All Apple ProRes frame rate expansions will be provided via free firmware updates. Current owners of Record Options will receive increased capabilities within their Record Options at no additional cost.